Smackdown: Provide the people of Africa with training, or with cold, hard cash?
In recent years, growing evidence supports the value of cash transfers. Research demonstrates that cash transfers lead to productive investments (in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia), that they improve...
View ArticleL’éducation pour tous dans une Afrique en plein essor
Exceptionnelle, la croissance économique du continent africain suscite pourtant des inquiétudes quant au partage de ses fruits. La croissance ne peut pas tout. Avec des inégalités tenaces et sans...
View ArticleYep, about reading and writing again!
Today, four in five African primary-school-age kids are enrolled in school, with more joining at a later age. This is a major change and achievement, and should bode well for Africa’s upcoming...
View ArticleA glimpse behind the curtain: CPIs in Africa
Consumer Price Indexes (CPIs) can be subject of heated debate. Plans by the US administration in 2013 to modify the way social security benefits are adjusted for inflation led to protests of federal...
View ArticleOnce poor, forever poor?
Static poverty measures fail to distinguish between an individual who has been in poverty all her life, and another who happens to have had a small misfortune for the year the measurement was carried...
View ArticleThe work of women in Nigeria
In Nigeria, Africa’s largest and most populous country, more women are engaging in work than ever before. By 2011, more than half (57%) of women 15-64 years old were in some form of employment. The...
View ArticleWhat will Kenya’s urban future look like for newborns James and Maureen?
Last year two of my friends welcomed new babies into their families: James and Maureen (not their real names). Both babies were born in Metropolitan Nairobi - the fastest growing urban area in the...
View ArticleInnovative Africa for a better tomorrow
Despite a decade of strong growth, Sub-Saharan Africa still faces a number of social and economic challenges. These range from access to education, off-the-grid electricity, clean water, job creation...
View ArticleDo changes in the CPI provide a reliable yardstick to measure changes in the...
This blog is the latest in a series of posts reflecting on the findings in the 2016 World Bank Poverty in a Rising Africa report, released in its entirety this month. We look forward to your questions...
View ArticleNiger and Lake Chad Basin countries take important strides towards building...
Climate change imposes stark challenges in West and Central Africa, where droughts and floods are already frequent. Vast portions of the region’s populations are poor, dependent on natural resources...
View ArticleInternationally comparable learning tests pave the way for education reform...
Most parents in Africa will tell you that their children’s education is the most important investment they can make. Over the past decade, great progress has been made in terms of getting children...
View ArticleDes données internationalement comparables sur les acquis des élèves ouvrent...
En Afrique, la plupart des parents vous diront que l’éducation de leurs enfants est l’investissement le plus important qu’ils puissent faire. Au cours de la dernière décennie, l’accès à l’école a...
View ArticleKnowledge production: An essential tool for public policy in Africa
Over the past five years, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the World Bank Group have coproduced 20 volumes on various dimensions of development in Africa. The Africa Development Forum...
View ArticleLa production de connaissances, un outil indispensable d’accompagnement des...
L’Agence Française de Développement et la Banque mondiale se sont associées afin de publier vingt ouvrages en cinq ans portant sur différentes dimensions du développement en Afrique. Mieux appréhender...
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