Six critical areas for stability in West Africa
A few months ago, as I was walking through the streets of Bissau, the capital of Guinea Bissau, I reflected on what had happened to this country over the last 20 years. It had gone through a number of...
View ArticleOptimism about Africa’s demographic dividend
Based on new data and research, there is reason for optimism about Africa’s demography and development. Population growth rates may continue to be high for some more time, but some underlying signals...
View ArticleLe dividende démographique africain sous de bons auspices
Si l’on en croit l’actualité de la recherche, il y a lieu d’être optimiste en ce qui concerne la situation de la démographie et du développement en Afrique. Bien que les taux de croissance de la...
View ArticleThe need to promote diversified urbanization
Urbanization is not just about development of a single city within a country. In fact, a country’s cities can be treated as a portfolio of assets, each differentiated by characteristics that include...
View ArticlePour une urbanisation diversifiée
L’urbanisation ne se limite pas à l’extension d’une seule ville dans un pays. En fait, on peut considérer les villes d’un pays comme un portefeuille d’actifs qui se distinguent les uns des autres par...
View ArticleBuilding African nations and communities’ financial resilience to climate and...
Sub-Saharan Africa is making significant economic and development strides. Yet, natural disasters, combined with the effects of climate change, rapid urbanization, and conflict situations are...
View Article7 facts about population in Sub-Saharan Africa
As Africa faces the potential for a demographic dividend, certain facts about Africa’s population offer cause for both excitement and concern.
View Article20 en 5 : Comment l'Agence Française de Développement et la Banque mondiale...
L’ambiance est au renouveau et à l’optimisme sur le plus jeune des continents. Cela se voit à Addis Abeba, où le premier système de métro d’Afrique subsaharienne vient d’être inauguré. Cela se ressent...
View ArticleIs muscle or machine the future of agriculture in Africa?
Most of Sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA) economies are dominated by the agriculture sector. On average, agriculture accounts for 32% of gross domestic product and employs 65% of the labor force. In some...
View ArticleWill Africa get a schooling dividend?
Will Africa benefit economically from its current fertility transition? Between 1990 and 2010, Africa’s birth rate fell from 6.2 to 4.9 births per woman. Such a decline was expected to enhance the...
View ArticleSix critical areas for stability in West Africa
This blog was first published on September 15, 2015 by Alexandre Marc, Chief Specialist for Fragility, Conflict, and Violence at the World Bank and author of the recently published book, “The Challenge...
View ArticleL’Afrique connaîtra-t-elle un dividende éducatif ?
La transition actuelle de la fécondité dans les pays d’Afrique sera-t-elle profitable à l’économie ? Entre 1990 et 2010, le taux de natalité est passé de 6,2 à 4,9 enfants par femme. Un recul qui, en...
View ArticleDéfis agricoles africains
L’ouvrage Défis agricoles africains est paru en 2008 chez Karthala. Il est publié en anglais par la Banque mondiale en 2011, dans le cadre de la série Africa Development Forum, en partenariat avec...
View ArticleChallenges for African Agriculture
Challenges for African Agriculture was first published in 2008 in French by Karthala, and then in English by the World Bank in 2011 as part of the Africa Development Forum Series, in partnership with...
View ArticleSustaining structural reforms in Africa in good and tough times
The recently-published Regional Economic Outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by the International Monetary Fund underscores the enduring view of international financial institutions that the depth,...
View Article“Industrial-strength” poverty reduction? Thoughts on Africa Industrialization...
Leading up to the 26th anniversary of “Africa Industrialization Day,” a big new report by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) puts the structural transformation of African economies through...
View ArticleClimate change and Africa’s Infrastructure: Adapt now, but do so wisely
In less than a week, the leaders of more than 190 countries will meet in Paris to reach a new agreement to prevent the warming of the earth’s atmosphere from exceeding two degrees above pre-industrial...
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