Channel: AfricaCan End Poverty
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L’Afrique vieillit-elle ?


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Changement climatique et infrastructures en Afrique : puisqu’il faut...

Dans moins d’une semaine, les dirigeants de plus de 190 pays se retrouveront à Paris pour finaliser un nouvel accord visant à éviter un réchauffement de l’atmosphère terrestre supérieur à 2 °C par...

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Lutter contre la pauvreté grâce à la puissance industrielle ? Quelques...

Alors que l’on célèbre le 26e anniversaire de la Journée de l'industrialisation de l'Afrique, un volumineux rapport publié par la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique remet sur le...

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Financer les villes d’Afrique : l’enjeu de l’investissement local Villes...

La crise financière de 2009 avait mis en évidence l’imbrication profonde des finances des collectivités territoriales et des politiques de l’habitat avec l’ensemble des systèmes financiers et de...

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Financing Africa’s Cities: The Local Investment Challenge Africa’s Cities:...

The 2009 financial crisis demonstrated how closely local government finances and housing policies are intertwined with the financial systems and the economy as a whole. The ramping up of efforts to...

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Living on the edge: Saving West Africa’s coastal assets

For generations, coastal communities in West Africa have lived off the land and sea, depending on the region’s abundant natural resources for their nutrition, health and economic activity. Coastal...

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The demographic transition and labor markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

The recent revolutions in the Middle East have brought even more urgency to the perennial challenge of how policies can help create better job opportunities for youth. North Africa, along with...

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A simple model to assess the economic impacts of large projects

Kandadji Dam site in December 2012 It’s the classic conundrum that governments typically grapple with. Which projects are most beneficial in the long-term? How do large, expensive projects impact on...

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How can Zambia’s growth be re-energized?

Shoppers at the newly opened East Park Mall in Lusaka.​(Photo Credit: Arne Hoel/World Bank)​ If you lived in Zambia or have been closely following the news about the country, you would know that...

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Understanding urban land markets in West Africa

The difficulty of acceessing land, and a growing number of land disputes, have become major concerns in West African cities. In spite of political will expressed at the highest level of government,...

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Comprendre les marchés fonciers urbains en Afrique de l’Ouest

Les difficultés d’accès à la terre et la multiplication des conflits fonciers sont devenues des préoccupations majeures pour les habitants des villes d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Bien que la volonté politique...

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Ethiopia’s growth miracle: What will it take to sustain it?

If you are curious to know which country has achieved double digit growth in the last 12 years, making it the fourth fastest-growing in the world, the answer is Ethiopia. And what is more striking is...

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Africa is rising! But are people better off?

This brief review of the key insights and focus of the Poverty in Rising Africa report serves to introduce a blog series elaborating on the findings. The next blog, to be posted on Monday, Dec. 21,...

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Creating Quality Jobs for Cote d’Ivoire’s Future Generations

Although most Ivorians are employed, they struggle to find jobs that provide decent sustainable incomes. An average worker earns 120,000 FCFA or $200 per month, which is lower than the average in...

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Créer des emplois de qualité pour les générations futures d’Ivoiriens

La majorité de la population ivoirienne travaille, mais peine à trouver des emplois à des salaires convenables sur le long terme. Les Ivoiriens gagnent en moyenne 120 000 francs CFA, soit 200 dollars...

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Who will fund poverty surveys in “Volkswagen” countries?

It must not have been easy to be a statistician at Volkswagen. At least Martin Winterkorn, former CEO of the car company, may not have been very fond of them.  Independent researchers published data...

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Qui financera les enquêtes sur la pauvreté dans les « pays Volkswagen »?

Il ne devait pas faire bon être statisticien chez Volkswagen... En tout cas, c’est une profession qui ne devait pas être du goût de l’ancien PDG du constructeur automobile, Martin Winterkorn.    Des...

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L’Afrique est en plein essor ! Mais le sort des Africains s’est-il amélioré ?

Cette brève synthèse du rapport Poverty in a Rising Africa sert d’introduction à une série de billets qui reviennent sur les conclusions du rapport en détail. Le prochain billet, qui sera publié le...

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The European refugee crisis: What we can learn from refugees in Sub-Saharan...

The thousands of people crossing the European borders in 2015 have attracted considerable media attention. While such an attention is welcomed, we do not hear much about the millions of refugees...

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Poverty is falling faster for female-headed households in Africa

Living standards have risen and poverty has fallen considerably across Sub-Saharan Africa since the late 1990s. But are all groups sharing in the gains? In particular, what about Africa’s many...

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